This post is part of a weekly series showcasing inspirational vector art. Although the series showcases vector art, some work might just be vector inspired, not created completely with vector art. If you have any art suggestions, feel free to comment! For more vector art inspiration, check out the Vectips Flickr Group.
Just wanted to mention that the owls are not vector. That is an original ink drawing done with a pen, the scanned directly into Photoshop for printing.
Thanks for pointing that out. I try to show pieces that are just vector, sometimes I show pieces that look like they can be vector for inspiration.
I absolutely LOVE the last typography piece, just awesome
Thanks for another weekly inspiration – superb collection once more 😉
I always love checking out the weekly inspirations… they never fail to inspire. 🙂
The Jorsh Pena ones are my favorites, really really awsomely done!
The ensemble collection is really cool!
So cool list of image
Great batch!
I like the one with red.