New Resource Page

Resource Thumbnail

I finally added a resource page with a listing of blogs, tutorial aggregators, freebies, books, magazines and plug-ins that I find helpful. You can access the Resources from the top navigation bar.  I know I have missed some, so if you have a suggestion for a resource, feel free to contact me. I will review the resource and see if it fits with the rest of the resources.

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15 thoughts on “New Resource Page

  1. Right on. You’ve got a really nice, clean design here. I’ve just been checking out some of the links, a few of which I hadn’t seen before, which are very nice.

  2. Sorry, a couple more things, on the title of this page, a spelling error, “New Rource Page Added.”

    And what I consider a personal favorite for inspiration are two of Nick La’s sites, although he seems primarily to be working on Web Designer Wall more recently.

    Although they may not be entirely in keeping with Illustrator, he does use it in his work and there can be some tutorials found there as well.

  3. Pingback: diarioTHC

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