Save Time With Save Selection

Save Selection Thumbnail

Selecting multiple objects in Illustrator is essential to productivity. Illustrator has some great selection features: Select Same, Select Object, Magic Wand, and so on. One selection feature that I always use is Save Selection. I usually save selections early on in a illustration to easily come back to them even though the stroke, fill, and other attributes have be modified.

Save Selection

First, select everything that you want to save and then go Selection > Save. In the Save Selection dialog you can name the selection whatever you want. Now your saved selection will be accessible at the bottom of the Selection Menu! You can rename and delete these Saved Selections by going Selection > Edit Selection to bring up the Edit Selection dialog.

Save Selection

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28 thoughts on “Save Time With Save Selection

  1. Whoa. You just blew my mind. You know…you think you’ve got a pretty good idea of what’s up, and then you realize you’ve totally overlooked something so [d’oh!] simple.

    Thanks for the tip(s)!

  2. This is seriously helpful! Illustrator is such a comprehensive tool that you kind of never reach to these things under everything. But this will speed up the work flow so much. Thanks man.

  3. Pingback: ITCopy
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  5. Your site has moved to the top of my list.

    The web is filled with tutorials but very few exhibit the clarity and thoughtfulness (not to mention utility) that your posts offer.

    Thanks for making such a valuable resource availble.

    Q: What do you call a Vectips subscriber who is giddy with enthusiasm for the great tips and insigts?

    A: Vectipsy.

  6. fabulous! this will save me from having to group things i really don’t want grouped…. that’s how i’ve been doing it, and it certainly doesn’t work as well as this! thanks for the tip. 🙂

  7. This can be useful if all paths selected have different colors, but when they share the same color is much more easy to use the Select > Same > Fill command, after selecting one of the Skin parts.

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