Today I’m rolling out a slight redesign of Vectips! The main goal with the redesign is to improve the usability of Vectips. With the new changes it will be easier to explore posts and interact with other users. The changes include updated navigation bar, sidebar, comments, and few other tweaks.ย Check out the updates and let me know what you think!
A subtle yet useful change. People will definitely be able to discover your content more easily.
Hi there! this is my first visit to your site (Can’t imagine that I missed it all along…)
I’m enjoying your articles over here. Good content, good site design!
Finally found a blogging site that is clean, smart, great usability and a little more up to date y
Many Thanks
Really nice changes, the site looks cool!
very good Rype! Great job.
This has always been a useful and great looking site. Keep up the good work.
Looks really nice but I would suggest a tad bit more padding between your navigation items…just not much separation currently.
it looks better
I, like others, like the icons for links. I also liked the navigation you had in your previous (unreleased) version. Believe it had some slick tabby nature.
Quite like the touch ups on the sidebar too!
It looks and works better! I like the crisp icons. Keep up the good work.
Looks great! I really like all of the subtle refinements and the iconography.
I totally dig the icons on the main navigation bar! Very cool!
Awesome update. I love the improvements with the icons and details of the site. Great job! Thx.
Looks good Rype! Love the idea of updating what needs to be updated by not redoing the entire site just because.
I like everything except, the guys sitting in front of that computer and the (transform) selection around the vector tips logo…
thats all nothing else ๐
loving the new navigation bar, but how about adding a “selected” state to the items, based on the page you are viewing? also, not to be nit picky, but have you thought about moving your search form up in the page at all? either near the top navigation, or above the ads?
loving the cohesiveness throughout the design and layout though, with teh greens. Nice work!
Thanks for the great suggestions! The selected state is a good idea. I briefly looked at putting the search form closer to the top, I think I will have to revisit it.
Pretty nice facelifts, but I miss a cup of coffee onto the table ;o)
this is pretty dope. But if I had digg i would digg it. lol!
I dig it.
Looks good!
I like it. Your header is pretty slick.
This is great, good luck ๐
This is a good job!
Love it, great work effective use of your great icon illustrations!
Very very nice and effective changes! Great job!
**Just one thing: check out Friendfeed in the footer, you type it Freindfeed ๐
Oops! Thanks for catching that. I’m sure there will be more typos.
The beard is new right? Is this the “spent a week without worrying about personal hygiene” freelancer look? ๐
I like the updates a lot. Similar to the old design, but very nice updates to it. A+
Subtle but very effective. Also amazing looking graphics as usual i just LOVE the feel of your site. Thanks for sharing!
Clean and Clear!
Simple but efective changes!! Great!
Looking pretty good man!, more more ha ha ha
Lookin’ good! Quite like the unique and minimal navigation.