This post is part of a weekly series showcasing inspirational vector art. Although the series showcases vector art, some work might just be vector inspired, not created completely with vector art. If you have any art suggestions, feel free to comment! For more vector art inspiration, check out the Vectips Flickr Group.
Awesome inspiration, i wish i could be at that level but im working on it
nice Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales by Andreas Krapfw & that librarian looks fantastic!
Old Time Marvel = Instant Win!
That is a fact đŸ™‚
Yea the librarian isn’t all that……. come on
the rest of the illustrations are really nice tho.
I look forward to these every week! I like the three-eyed dog(?) by Jonathan Ball and “Darwinamic” by Samuel Werczler from this weeks lineup.
Librarian for me too ! and the Berlin promo is very nice
-=SiteSyrups last Blog Post- Free skater/boarder =-
Nice piece of work! RotKappchen [red hat and wolf] is just awesome.
Worth noting is also Librarian. Simple drawn, altough appealing :]
Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales by Andreas Krapf is fantastic! Beautifully crisp illustrations, and funny too!
Heyo, thanks for featuring the librarian!