I’m sure some of you already know about this, but if you don’t, you can save some time while working tabbed documents in Illustrator CS4 and CS5. Press Command (Control on Windows) and the ~ (the tilde key) to switch between open tabbed Illustrator documents. Pretty nifty!
Thanks for the tip!
Thank you….^____^*…!
Also works for me just to use ctrl+tab (Danish keyboard)
greeaaat tip! thx!
Switching between open documents (in multiple tabs) in InDesign is done with Command+‹ (key left of z) in right direction if you hold Shift you change direction. Mac OC X.
Great tip, thank you!
yes! Thanks a lot!
Thank you so so so much.
Thank you sooo much.. you are a life saver…….!!!!
Thank you so much! Google keeps mentioning command + F6.
Yes! Thank you!
I love working fullscreen, and I usually have 3-4 documents open at once. It was annoying having to exit fullscreen mode just to move between them.
That’s super helpful, thank you!
I use ctrl + tab on Mac.
Yesssss !!!! Finally found an answer that works!
So as mentionned, on OSX MAverick and with CS6, to switch photoshop image tabs forward is ctrl + Tab,
and to switch image tabs backward it’s ctrl + shift + Tab
Thank you so much
Thank you very much ……………..
Ctrl + Tab does the trick on osx10.5.8 with CS4 extended.
Thank you “:)” for clarifying how to edit the next document keyboard command.
I like to set move to next document as CMD+< and move to prev as CMD+SHIFT+< (as the tilde shortcuts etc. don´t work here as well, in Finland).
thanks… I am new to using mac… and was not feeling really good about it (due to some basic features un available in mac) i guess it will take some time till i get my hands on…thanks for the great tip… I was confused with how to toggle windows as i pressed cmd+tab, shift, alt every thing i could think of….
THANKS! hard to believe it’s nearly impossible to find this on Adobe help.
Wooowoowosoa Superber…
Make sure the caps lock is off… (This is the case for me anyway)
(mac Indesign v7.5.2)
I have tried several times but can’t seem to get the command + ~ to work for me to switch between open word documents in word for Mac 2008.
Any advice?
For those of you who don’t have a tilde key or all the shortcuts above didn’t work for you.
You can set your custom keyboard shortcut for this command by…
– Go to ‘Edit’ > ‘Keyboard Shortcuts’
– On drop down menu, go to ‘Menu Command’
– then scroll down to the end, go to ‘Other Misc’
– And notice the ‘Navigate to Next Document’ command right here.
– Click on the Symbol’s column first, and press ` (tilde key) or F6 into the blank box to set a shortcut key.
– Then click on Shortcut’s column, and press Cmd+` (tilde key) or Cmd+F6 into the blank box.
– For ‘Navigate to Previous Document’
– Click on Symbol’s column first, and press ` (tilde key) or F6 into the blank box.
– Then click on Shortcut’s column, and press Cmd+Shift+`(tilde key) or Cmd+Shift+F6 into the blank box.
– For ‘Navigate to Next Document Group’
– Click on Symbol’s column first, and press ` (tilde key) or F6 into the blank box.
– Then click on Shortcut’s column, and press Cmd+Opt+`(tilde key) or Cmd+Opt+F6 into the blank box.
– For ‘Navigate to Previous Document Group’
– Click on Symbol’s column first, and press ` (tilde key) or F6 into the blank box.
– Then click on Shortcut’s column, pand press Cmd+Opt+Shift+`(tilde key) or Cmd+Opt+Shift+F6 into the blank box.
– Click Save > Enter file name > OK > OK
– Your new Keyset’s name should be appeared at ‘Set’s droup down menu.
– All done!
Hope this help! =)
Do you know where I can find this in Photoshop CC 2014? Thanks!
Ctrl + tab also works in AI cs4 on a pc
I was using windows, and now switching to mac, I figured out many options including this one too, and that was I pressed accidently the tilde key during undoing,
but the only shortcut that was very useful in windows was using alt key to reach menu bar and opening commands with it, like if I want to export some thing, I simply press combination alt+F then E.
here in mac I have explored too much and got the option that you press option + F2 which puts you to menu bar and then explore it using cursor and first names of words.
I guess anyone knows better option than this…
I have to use ctrl tab in windows 7 to make this work for me, but it keeps giving me full screen mode on one tab, because i press tab to many times.
Any way to make ctrl tilde work on a pc?
Hope somebody have a trick up their sleeve…
on CS5 french edition, it’s Cmd + F6 !!
just impossible to use…
i’ll just put the classic Cmd + > back…
HOW????? How the hell do you do that, please? I desperately need the Cmd+< back to switch between my windows. I do it all the friggin time and now I need three clicks and to move my mouse!!!! How do I assign this function again in OSX please
Can u do this in other CS5 as well?
It’s a great short cut! the only thing is people on the mac that use Quicksilver will find that this is the same short cut to open quicksilver and there for cannot use this function 🙁 that’s me…but Quicksilver is worth it.
on the PC
ctrl+Tab Or ctrl+F6
Documents can also be switched~
Support you~~~
Gracias a Dios!!!!
Wooohoooo !!!
I know now ^_^ | Thx_rype
was always annoyed that the mac didn’t have this option, one of the few things that windows illustrator had over the mac.
This does only seem to work with CTRL + Tab on the PC.
This tab works with most OS X applications. Let you cycle through the application windows. I just wish there was a way to make the tabs separate in Expose.
Isn’t there an expose setting that only shows the windows for the current app? I could swear there was. I would check but I’m currently on my work PC… (yuck.)
even after having tabs now, i still accidentally use mac’s expose (show all windows) by habit…
Same for spanish keyboard here… tilde key don´t exists (i think this key is only for US keyboards). Anyway i never found tabs in Adobe application useful, instead i prefer the old school method: simply switch off tabs feature via illustrator/ preferences/ user interface/ open documents as tabs. Then in Mac preferences panel, under keyboard, just search for the “focus on next application window” field (under menu, keyboard and text) and assign a shortcut if the default option does’t fit you. And there is now you can easily switch between open documents!.
The best part of this is that it can be used in all mac applications, not only Adobe ones. And remember, if you want this working on Indesign, Photoshop, etc be aware of first switch off the tab features so that the system could “see” multiple documents opened not only one single tabbed document.
Thx Rubén for your info. exacly i was looking for.
Helped me too — thanks very much.
Cmd + Shift + `
It’s a sin that on italian keyboards there is not any tilde key …
Wow! Thanks for a really great tip!
This is very handy. I always though that this was only possible (at least by default) on PC with Ctrl+tab.
Thanks man, with the hotkeys from above’s info, I just changed between layers, not Tabs.