Adobe has some pretty cool stuff in the works for Illustrator CS6 and one feature I’m excited for is the pattern creation. In the current version of Illustrator, pattern making can be a little cumbersome. In CS6, Adobe has made creating a seamless, repeating vector pattern a lot easier. Check out the video below to see Brenda Sutherland demonstrating the new pattern creation in CS6!
[youtube width=”600″ height=”335″][/youtube]
I notice some folks are unhappy with the UI color/theme. You can change that to what you prefer – in your Illustrator interface, click User Interface in the Preferences dialog (Control/Command + K).
So tried the pattern tool out, only problem is that eraser tool doesnt work in pattern creation mode, if you want to create an all over seamless repeat a must is the eraser tool!
Bit of a shame i would have liked to use this feature more, but makes the task hard if you can’t even basic edit!
I thought I was the only one freaked out about the ABSENCE of the eraser tool in pattern mode. AGGHH!! Thank You for noticing too. How can you use the blob brush without the eraser tool? I keep opening up pattern mode hoping that the eraser will be there this time 🙂 ADOBE : Eraser Brush!!! – ‘Nuff said.
Always remember that Adobe wants your money, period. They are a mega. corporation, and function as such. They spoon feed all of these small improvements – maybe – with every upgrade and there seems to be a dumbing down from the the true and weird aspects of A.I. There just is something wrong here.
As a practicing professional I can only say that A.I. should have offered their best improvements as they were developed, and given to use free of charge, rather than up-charge us for attributes they had in their back pocket for years. They are corporate assholes, and they are, for true, not interested in the actual graphic design community.
Watching someone use the trackpad for Illustrator makes my skin crawl.
This seems like about 13 years too late, considering not many people are using seamless tiles for the web or anything else much more nowadays. But, whatever. I hope there are better things in the update than this.
YES! About time! No more self clipping, and more time to utilize!
Wow, I really appreciate this video. It makes me excited for Pattern Creation and other goodies in CS6. I would hope that those being superficial and critical of the hostess would keep in mind that her knowledge, and that of this AWESOME blog, is being freely given for the betterment of all. There’s just no need to be rude.
love it:) think I’ll be saving a lot of time making patterns!!!
The PS and AI CS6 looks good, think I have to jump on the update train… But I really hope they tweak the UI back to what they look like in CS5 (not just thinking of the dark color which is easily changed)
Cool feature, but they should have gotten someone else to do the video. Girl talks like we are all morons.
Stumbled on that nice lil’ pattern gizmo sneak peek the other day, i thought it was strange how a. there was not more sneak peeks into new illustrator CS6 etc..
and b. why not given the same attention in terms of adobes campaign as Photoshop say on youtube. Both are in anniversary years.
Anyways .. CS6 is looking pretty slick and stable.
Heres hoping for better font display, brush engine, symmetry mode, isometric tool and a few more surprise panels.
And improvements to the perspective grid stuff..and maybe 3d will get a complete overhaul.
I like the pattern idea, but one thing I don’t like in both PS and Ai CS6 is the new UI, the dark shade seems to unfriendly for me. I know it can be changed but the UI has changed in other areas too. I’ll probably just stick to CS5.5 for now 😛
wow, is she highly strung or what. She makes my mouth dry, anxious physical reaction.
Anyway, that’s an invalid point – the product is unreleased, what else is there to do other than stick to 5.5?
Unfriendly? that’s ridiculous.
Just thought I’d say few comments that needn’t exist and have little thought put into them.
Hows that for unfriendly.
Yes, editable patterns, finally! And of course the creator is snazzy, too!
i agree, she the women, not girl is snazzy.. and funny in her own quirky way.
She has another tut on adobe site which is handy.
Couple of trolls below offer nothing but idiotic statements.
Always a couple of negative eggs, i dont like change,i dont like ui, too dark, me, me, me..
no one cares if you stick to CS5.5 or the side of a road.
Both are in anniversary years..and yo uguys are like moping around.. moaning like lil girls.