Vector Inspiration – Gradient Mesh

Gradient MeshThis post is all about inspiring you to create awesome vector illustrations. This week’s inspiration theme – GRADIENT MESH.

Check these vector “beasts” out, and feel free to comment your theme ideas for the next vector inspiration roundup!



Ruslan Khasanov

Some really great vector gradient mesh portraits made by Ruslan, especially the last one is very interesting. The skin texture is simply awesome and looks so real! Discover his portfolio by clicking on one of the images below.

Jackson Alves


Tom Ritskes


Martin Schmetzer


Jackson Alves

Anthony James

I really like the details in the lips on this one. By visiting Anthony’s portfolio we can see that he masters gradient mesh technique!

Federico Iovanovich

Anthony James

Another great project made by Anthony with a great usage of the powerful gradient mesh!

Jackson Alves

Vanessa Di Guida

The awesome highlights and lowlights Vanessa included in the hair details truly gives this portrait illustration a realistic look. Unfortunately, this is the only project Vanessa has in her portfolio currently, but we can hope for many more to come!

Boris Pelcer

Jennifer Rader

I love the warm colors and the blury details from the glasses.

Character City print by Loulou and Tummie

Megan Froats

This is a piece of art! I like how Megan drew the headlights of the car–very detailed with a lot of nice reflections. Discover Megan’s portfolio by clicking on her name.

Valentina Casali

Kevin Blanchard

I love that Kevin drew each thread of hairs separately; it makes the hair look so real. Also the eyes are so expressive with nice details and reflections. Kevin has other nice portraits in this project, so discover them by clicking on the image below!

Heavenly Dogs & Arson Capital

Justine Bouman

I really like Justine’s technique for this project. Instead of sharp details, she uses blur to create the feel of a digital painting done in Photoshop.

Nicolas Baillargeon

Kelsey Joudrey

The highlights and the shadows from the water drops make them very realistic.

George Iliady

Sasha M. Gonzalez

Sasha really knows how to use gradient mesh properly by using sharp details and no blur at all! She also has some great portraits in her portolio.

Jackson Alves

Claudio Scotto

Emma Stone is a beautifull woman, and this is a great vector portrait of her, especially the eyes with those nice reflections.

Jackson Alves

José Angel Díaz García

This is by far my favorite artwork from this vector inspiration roundup! Very sharp details in the buttons on the right side of the watch as well as in the numbers in the face of the watch. They give a photorealist feeling for this artwork.

Jackson Alves

Josh Zak

His eyes convey so much emotion and they look so real due to the reflections and the details.

Jackson Alves

Jocelyn R.

I like how the light drops on the fruits, makes them so glossy and delicious.

Jackson Alves

Seth Teeters

Red wine anyone? 🙂

Jackson Alves
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