Freebie Updates

Free Watercolor Brushes Thumbnail

Wanted to give everyone a quick updated on some of the Vectips freebies. Because of my iStock contract, I was not allowed to distribute free vector graphics I created. Now I am not exclusive with iStock, I updated some of the freebies I had to take offline.

Freebies That are Back!

Free Watercolor Brushes

Free Watercolor Brushes

30 FreeSketchy-Style Brushes


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7 thoughts on “Freebie Updates

  1. You are really nice, this is great work and very well done, you are marvelous, it was time to thank you for everything you share, I should do it every time I learn something from you

  2. I’ve been visiting your website and never had a chance to thank you. Thank you so much for brushes and I always enjoy stopping by this site. Cheers!

  3. Thank you very much. This is a great set of brushes and it is very kind of you to share these with us.
    Best of luck.

  4. Wow! Thank you very much!! đŸ™‚ The water color brushes are awesome. (So are the sketchy one, but after I saw the water color brushes I instantly wanted to use them.)

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