Vector Inspiration – Snow Vectors

Flat designChristmas is coming! If you are looking for some inspiration on how to create snowflakes for a Christmas design project, then you are at the right place. Here we are sharing 12 awesome snow vector art for your inspiration that are perfect for any Christmas related project. And, even you can use ideas from these vector artworks to create beautiful and eye catching Christmas animation.

Browse through this wonderful collection of snow vectors and prepare yourself for the upcoming design projects. It is high time to get loads of inspiration on how to use snow vector in your design, because the holiday season is fast approaching and marketing machines are whirring into action. So you should too get yourself prepared for this lovely season. Enjoy!

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Snow night

If you need some ideas on how to show snow at night, then you can take ideas from this artwork which was drawn in Corel.

Winter in Dusk

A very beautiful and lovely snow vector artwork to demonstrate the feeling of winter in dusk.

Winter Scape

This is a very beautiful vector art which was drawn by using Flash 8. It is a perfect source of inspiration for the designers.

Rozen maiden: Winter Miracles

Another beautiful illustration for snow design. It is amazing to see how the candle lights up the room!

Trudging Through the Snow

What a beautiful snow vector artwork this is! You can see how it demonstrates that people love to draw in the snow, making random shapes with outstretched arms.


In this snow vector, it shows a snow-spider out for its nightly walk, and the snow-fairy taking notice of the wintery mix falling in snow land. Perfect for drawing inspiration from.

Seasons Greetings

This inspirational piece lets you use the power of your imagination in a variety of design.

Fall of Snow

Fall of Snow was created for inspiring new designers.

Snow Day

Beautiful illustration for showing the fun and excitement two kids experience on a chilly day.

Ginko winter

This is simply another Ginko winter illustration that you will surely like.

Yetis Love Snowflakes

This illustration depicts the fun about the first snowfall. You will enjoy this artwork.

Rudolph the Reindeer

This is a cute demonstration of reindeer – Rudolph. Look at the details in the eyes and of course, the red nose.

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