If you haven’t heard of Jeff Finley of Go Media, you might be living under a rock. Jeff Finely is the main author of GoMediaZine and one of the owners of Go Media. He has created some amazing artwork for print, web and apparel. Jeff has kindly agreed to do an interview with Vectips. I wanted to do something a little different and try to conduct and interview over Twitter.
The Interview
I think it will be fun to experiment with an interview over Twitter. My hope in using the Twitter format, is that it will generate short snippets of insight and tips from Jeff. The information in these short snippets will be easy to retain and make practical use out of. Moreover, Twitter is a social network, so we can bring a social aspect into the interview. Throughout the interview you can send me a tweet for a question to ask Jeff. I ask that you send the tweet question to Vectips so I can moderate the interview, but you can always tweet with Jeff later. I will be posting the full twitter interview later on in the week for those of you that can’t view the interview live or want to read it in a traditional format. You can also comment below on some questions you think would be intersting to ask.
When: Wednesday, August 27 at 1:00 pm EST.
Where: Twitter.com/vectips and twitter.com/jeff_finley
How: If you are already on twitter, follow both Vectips and Jeff Finley and watch the conversation unfold. If you are not on Twitter or want an easier way to follow the conversation, go to Quotably.com and search for Vectips or Jeff_Finley. I’m not sure how quick Quotably updates the tweets but you can try and follow this way. If anyone has a better suggestion in following a conversation on Twitter please let everyone know by posting a comment!
Why: Learn from the best!
More On Jeff Finley
To find out more about Jeff Finley, go over to GoMediaZine and check out Jeff’s profile. While you are there, check out all the freebies, resources, and tutorials! I highly recommend checking out Go Media’s Arsenal to find vector packs, textures, fonts, animations and more. Also check out Jeff Finley’s personal portfolio for some more inspiration.
There is noticeably a bundle to know about this. I assume you produced particular nice points in attributes also.
Thanks for sharing this, it will really improve my use of twitter.
//crawls out from under neigh the rock//
Great post, and very impressive artwork.
I have participated in a twebinar on twitter, which is a great way to interact with others. I think the best way to use twitter, is to put in a search tag, like #vectips, in every response about this interview. That way people can search for that tag and see everyone’s comments and questions.
Also, I would check out TweetDeck. You can put the people you follow into groups. So for this event, I have Jeff and Vectips in a group together so it will be easier to follow the interview.
Looking forward to this!
Thanks for the thoughts.
I will be posting the interview in full later on in the week so people can still read it even if you are not using twitter. Moreover, I created a search string from Twitter that will show result of tweets from Vectips and Jeff_Finley. You don’t need to be signed up to Twitter to follow it. Just use the url below.
If you are part of twitter I suggest using Tweet Deck http://www.tweetdeck.com/beta/. If you are following tons of people, you can isolate a group of people you are following to a window in the program.
As for negating the ideal use of Twitter, I think pushing technologies inspires innovation. Not saying what we are doing is necessarily innovative, but maybe it might spark an idea for someone. Maybe not, we will see.
Thanks for sharing!
Not to rain on the parade, but I think this negates the idea of Twitter and tweeting and could be done much easier with conventional IMing.
I’m all for the experimenting process but I think you will find out its more of a pain than gain. And what about those who follow one or both on twitter that don’t want to read the interview, or would rather read it as a whole at a later time?
Just my thoughts…
I hope I get some challenging questions, or even controversial ones. Bring it on!
Hey Ryan,
thanks for the reply, very informative and, well human.
Im actually thrilled about it and am wondering how the questions will be like and how Jeff will answer them.
have a good day
Totally understand your concerns. You don’t sound negative at all.
I probably should have explained more about the actual direction of the interview.Vectips is a blog about Illustrator so there is going to be questions on how Jeff utilizes Illustrator in his work, his tips, tricks, settings and so forth. The type of questions that won’t necessary need a two paragraph response. There will also be other general question about his work, inspiration, and things of that nature.
Why twitter? Jeff probably put it best in his post about the interview on GoMediZine when he said “Why do it over Twitter? Because it makes it public and interactive. You can “watch” the interview in real time and even submit your own questions.”
Like you said it might be interesting to see all the tweets when this goes down, but again, it is an experiment.
Really cool idea, I’ll be checking this out
Keep up the good work with your tweets!
nice idea I guess, Ill try to follow the interview on twitter since I generally admire Jeff as an Artist in the industry. I havent had the pleasure of meeting him as a person yet.
Anyway what I wanted to let out here:
sure Jeff is respectably noticed for the work that he has done, however, what is the interview supposed to be on? Are you guys at vectips aware what a mess the whole tweeting thing will be tomorrow? Do you guys have a line to follow? Do you guys actually know what will be the start, middle and end of the interview or have you just got a rought sketch? You know what I mean? I dont want to ruin the fun or sound too negative in here but even if the idea is wicked and its a nice experiment, whats the point of it technically of the interview? Will Jeff go ahead and just talk about how he uses his wacom tablet and what illustrator is?
Get the picture,
its late in germany and i need some sleep good night guys
Great idea, everybody loves tweets !