Do you want some free vectors? I recently created a set of vector spring flowers for You the Designer. While you download the vectors, check out some of the other great posts! When you look at the files, you will see some of the techniques used from my tutorial Shiny Buttons Without Blends or Transparencies. These flowers are a great example of applying the tutorial’s simple techniques.
U truly made a handful of remarkable ideas with
ur blog post, “Free Vector Flowers | Vectips”.
I’ll possibly be coming back to your site soon enough. Thx ,Annis
Interesting post 🙂 I like to know more from your blog, especially about free.
Nice dude 🙂
I wanna share also those nice free vector flowers with all
hi want to have some flower design in vectors. thx
This is nice ..
Hello dear exactly what i needed to remind myself of spring on a day when erie, pa is covered in feet of snow!!
it seems useful