How to Create a Folder Icon

folder icon thumbnailIn today’s tutorial, we’re going to explore the process of creating a folder icon and learn how easy it is to create one using a couple of basic geometric shapes that we’re going to adjust here and there.

So, assuming you already have Illustrator up and running, let’s jump straight into it! Continue reading

How to Create a Music File Icon

music file icon finishedIn today’s tutorial, we’re going to take an in-depth look at the process of creating a music file icon, and see how easy it is to create one using nothing more than a couple of basic geometric shapes.

So, assuming you already have Illustrator up and running, let’s jump straight into it!
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Create a Cozy Autumn Composition in Adobe Illustrator

Autumn is by far the most beautiful season of the year! Golden foliage, a blue sky and warm sweaters can’t help but inspire us to create something cozy and atmospheric. In this autumn composition tutorial, we’ll be using the Effects and Brushes of Adobe Illustrator to create a simple yet charming autumn forest scene with a mushroom, leaves and berries. Let’s begin!
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