In the following tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple menu bar and a sleek web ribbon in Adobe Illustrator. For starters you’ll create pixel perfect shapes using the grid and Snap to Grid option. Next taking full advantage of the Appearance panel and using basic vector shape building techniques, you will learn how to add highlights and shading for your menu bar. Finally, using the Zig Zag, the Rounded Corners effects, a complex linear gradient plus some simple Pathfinder options, you will learn how to create the web ribbon.
Tag Archives: Tutorials
Create a Simple Calendar Icon
In the following tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple calendar icon in Adobe Illustrator. For starters, you will learn how to setup a simple grid, how to take full advantage of the Appearance panel and how to create a subtle texture. Next, you can learn how to use the basic Pathfinder options, how to easily align your shapes, how to cleverly use the Roughen effect and how to create a simple pattern. Finally, you will learn some basic masking techniques and how to wisely use the Transform effect.
The Fundamentals of Shape Design in Adobe Illustrator (Lesson 2)
This tutorial is the second in a series of two lessons on how to use basic shapes to create objects. From hearts to perfect spirals, the fundamentals of shape design outlined in this tutorial are used in everyday design but don’t have obvious methods of creation. If you like productivity, tips, and tricks, this tutorial is a must-read! Did you catch the beginning of the series? Take a look at Lesson 1 first.
How to Create a Pop Art Avatar with Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to recreate the illustration style used for Pop Art. This type of illustration is taken from a printing process named “Ben-Day dots“. The difference between the Ben-Day effect vs halftone effect is that for the first, the dots are always of equal size and distribution. To create this effect, we’re going to be using custom patterns and experimenting with different color combinations to achieve a truly pop art effect for our avatar. Lastly we are going to learn how to keep a pop art style consistent in your avatar no matter the image size. Let’s begin! 🙂
Create A Realistic Guitar Amp Using Patterns
I absolutely love Illustrator’s ability to create seamless and amazing patterns. They are easily one of Illustrator’s most devious features. I have had a couple instances when clients observed some of my work containing patterns and exclaimed, “That must have taken forever!” Since I know how simple and quick it actually was it is only right to do the humble thing and explain, “Yes, yes it did.” In this tutorial we are going to take one of Illustrator’s stock patterns (Dots) and create a realistic Speaker Grill/Guitar amp Illustration. Let’s create some vector nectar!
Create 3D Pixel Art in Illustrator
Yes, you read that title correctly! I understand this tutorial title kind of seems like an oxy-moron. We are combining one of the most primitive and limited graphic techniques edited on a pixel level, with the modern sleek aesthetic of 3D effects. But the result is a juxtaposition so rockin it kicks you straight in your nostalgic keister!
The Fundamentals of Shape Design in Adobe Illustrator (Lesson 1)
It goes without saying that Adobe Illustrator is all about using shapes to create artwork. In this tutorial I’ll cover how to use basic shapes, and tools to create a variety of logos. The more seasoned designer may pick up a fact or two, but this tutorial is perfect for the expert beginner who is working on reaching intermediate status. I’ve also included several animated gifs to help more clearly illustrate how certain steps are performed.